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SPOTLIGHT ON: Building an emergency fund

Take steps to secure your future.


As an accounting practice, we often stress the importance of having an emergency fund to our clients. An emergency fund is essential for financial stability, offering a safety net during unexpected situations such as job loss, medical emergencies, or significant repairs.


In this guide, we will outline the steps to build an emergency fund, provide tips for maintaining it, and highlight the benefits of having this financial buffer.

Understanding the importance of an emergency fund

An emergency fund is a dedicated savings account that covers unforeseen expenses. Without this fund, unexpected costs can lead to debt and financial stress. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), 41% of UK adults reported that they do not have enough savings to cover a month’s expenses if they lose their main source of income. This statistic underscores the importance of having a financial cushion.

Determining the right amount

The first step in building an emergency fund is determining how much you need to save. A general rule of thumb is saving three to six months’ worth of living expenses. To calculate this, add all your essential monthly expenses, including rent or mortgage, utilities, groceries, transportation, and insurance. For example, if your monthly expenses total £2,000, you should aim to save between £6,000 and £12,000.

Setting achievable goals

Saving a substantial amount can seem daunting, but setting achievable goals can make the process more manageable. Start by setting a target for your first £1,000. Once you reach this milestone, gradually increase your savings target. Breaking the overall goal into smaller, more attainable steps will keep you motivated and make the task less overwhelming.

Creating a budget

A detailed budget is crucial for building an emergency fund. Track your expenses to identify areas where you can cut back. This may involve reducing discretionary spending on non-essential items like dining out, entertainment, or luxury purchases. Redirect these savings into your emergency fund.


Here is a simple example of a monthly budget:


Expense typeAmount (£)
Discretionary spending200




By sticking to a budget, you can ensure that you are consistently contributing to your emergency fund.

Automating your savings

One effective way to build your emergency fund is to automate your savings. Set up a direct debit to transfer a fixed amount from your current account to your savings account each month. This method ensures you consistently save without the temptation to spend the money elsewhere. Many banks offer this service, making it easy to set up and manage.

Choosing the right savings account

Choosing the right savings account is vital for maximising your emergency fund. Look for an account that offers a competitive interest rate, easy access to your funds, and no penalties for withdrawals. High-interest savings accounts or instant access accounts are often suitable choices. Ensure the account is protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), which protects up to £85,000 per individual per institution.

Monitoring and adjusting your fund

Regularly review your emergency fund to ensure it remains adequate for your needs. Life circumstances can change, such as increased living expenses or a change in employment status. Adjust your savings goals accordingly to maintain an appropriate safety net. Conduct a review at least once a year or whenever you experience significant life changes.

Benefits of having an emergency fund

Having an emergency fund offers numerous benefits, including:

Financial security

An emergency fund provides financial security by covering unexpected expenses without relying on credit cards or loans. This can prevent debt accumulation and reduce financial stress. According to the Money Advice Service, one in five UK adults has less than £100 in savings. Without an emergency fund, an unexpected car repair or medical bill could lead to borrowing money at high interest rates, which can quickly become unmanageable. By having a dedicated fund, you can handle such expenses without compromising your financial health or accumulating debt.

Peace of mind

Knowing that you have a financial cushion gives you peace of mind. Life is unpredictable, and unforeseen events can disrupt financial stability at any moment. With an emergency fund in place, you can focus on your long-term financial goals without worrying about unexpected expenses disrupting your plans. The security of knowing you have money set aside for emergencies can significantly reduce anxiety and stress, allowing you to enjoy a more stable and balanced life.


An emergency fund provides flexibility during challenging times. Whether dealing with a job loss or managing an unexpected medical bill, having savings set aside allows you to make decisions without the immediate pressure of financial constraints. For instance, if you lose your job, an emergency fund can cover your living expenses while you search for new employment, giving you the flexibility to find a job that suits your skills and career goals rather than settling for the first available option. Similarly, if you face a medical emergency, you can focus on recovery instead of worrying about the financial burden.

Protecting your assets

Having an emergency fund can help protect your assets. In the absence of savings, you might be forced to sell valuable assets like your car or even your home to cover unexpected expenses. An emergency fund acts as a financial buffer, allowing you to preserve your assets and maintain your standard of living during tough times. This protection also extends to your investments; you won’t have to liquidate your investment portfolio at an inopportune time, which could result in financial losses.

Building better financial habits

Creating and maintaining an emergency fund can help build better financial habits. By consistently saving money and prioritising your financial security, you develop a disciplined approach to managing your finances. This habit of saving regularly can extend to other areas of your financial life, such as retirement planning or saving for major purchases, ultimately leading to a more robust and stable financial future.

Enhancing financial independence

An emergency fund enhances your financial independence by reducing reliance on external financial support. Whether it’s borrowing from family and friends or taking out high-interest loans, relying on others for financial help can strain relationships and lead to financial dependency. With an emergency fund, you can handle unexpected expenses on your own, reinforcing your financial autonomy and confidence in managing your finances.

Reducing the impact of income fluctuations

An emergency fund is particularly crucial for those with variable incomes, such as freelancers, contractors, or small business owners. It can help smooth out income fluctuations, ensuring that you have enough money to cover your expenses during lean periods. This financial buffer can provide stability and peace of mind, allowing you to focus on growing your business or career without the constant worry of financial shortfalls.

Supporting mental health

Financial stress is a significant contributor to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Having an emergency fund can reduce the financial stress that comes with unexpected expenses. This financial cushion can improve your overall mental well-being, allowing you to approach life’s challenges with a clearer and more focused mind. A sense of security and control over your finances can lead to a healthier, happier lifestyle.

Common questions about emergency funds

How long will it take to build an emergency fund?

The time it takes to build an emergency fund depends on your savings goals, income, and expenses. You can steadily build up your fund by consistently saving a portion of your income each month. For example, if you aim to save £6,000 and can set aside £250 per month, it will take you two years to reach your goal.

Should I pay off debt or build an emergency fund first?

It’s important to strike a balance between paying off debt and building an emergency fund. Start by saving a small emergency fund of £500 to £1,000 to cover minor unexpected expenses. Then, focus on paying down high-interest debt. Once your debt is more manageable, shift your focus back to increasing your emergency fund.

Can I invest my emergency fund?

An emergency fund should be easily accessible and low-risk. Investing these savings in stocks or other high-risk assets is not advisable, as their value can fluctuate significantly. Instead, keep your emergency fund in a high-interest savings account or other low-risk, easily accessible accounts.

How can I boost my savings rate?

To increase your savings rate, consider the following strategies:


  • Reduce discretionary spending: Cut back on non-essential purchases such as dining out, entertainment, and luxury items.
  • Increase your income: Take on additional work, freelance projects, or part-time jobs to boost your income.
  • Review and adjust your budget: Review your budget regularly to identify additional savings opportunities. Redirect any windfalls, such as bonuses or tax refunds, directly into your emergency fund.

How can I maintain my emergency fund over time?

Maintaining an emergency fund requires regular monitoring and discipline. Keep track of your expenses and make sure to replenish the fund if you need to use it. Set up automatic transfers to your savings account to ensure consistent contributions. Additionally, review your budget periodically to find new ways to save and boost your fund. Keeping your emergency fund intact is crucial for long-term financial stability and peace of mind.

Final thoughts

Building an emergency fund is crucial to financial stability and peace of mind. Setting achievable goals, creating a budget, automating your savings, and regularly reviewing your fund can ensure you are prepared for unexpected expenses. We are committed to helping you achieve financial security. If you have any questions or need assistance with building your emergency fund, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Investing time and effort into building an emergency fund now can save you from financial distress in the future. Take the first step today and secure your financial future with a well-established emergency fund.


Need assistance with setting up an emergency fund? Contact us today for a consultation.